Festive Breakfast Smoothies for Christmas morning

A few different varieties to suit all tastes and dietary needs.

If your family is anything like ours, on Christmas Day everybody will bring enough of every dish for the whole extended family. And when that’s 10 dishes or more, there is food to excess, as far as the eye can see!

You may be tempted to not eat in the morning, or just have a cup of tea or coffee. But if that means that you’re starving by the time Christmas lunch is served, and fill up on snacks before the main meal is even served, a light breakfast may be a better idea.

I like a smoothie for these occasions as you can make them festive, but still have some nourishing ingredients that set you up for what is sometimes a stressful day.

For all of these smoothies, a high speed blender will give you a frothier, smoother texture than a standard blender.

(If you’re in NZ and looking for sources, some of these products are available through our Nature Foods online store, and are linked to for your convenience. If there’s anything else you can’t find, ask us.)

Egg Nog Smoothie

The first one is my “real food” take on a Christmas classic. It’s not suitable for vegans or those who can’t eat eggs, but there are some other ideas further down for you.

When I was a kid, egg nog meant a raw egg whisked together with some warm milk, and a dash of sugar. I only recently found out that for most people, it more resembles a runny, alcoholic custard. I’ve never had it, but it sounds delicious. This smoothie is more like my childhood kind, with added vanilla and spices.

  • ½ – ¾ cup milk, yoghurt or your favourite milk substitute (I went for cashew milk this time)
  • A slosh of cream (optional)
  • 2 raw eggs (I recommend free range – pastured – and organic for eating raw)
  • ½ a banana *
  • ½ teaspoon honey or other sweetener of choice *
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence or ½ teaspoon vanilla powder
  • ½ teaspoon mixed spice or cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon rum flavoured essence (optional, if you fancy the taste of rum, but with no alcohol. It isn’t a whole food, so if you’re GAPS, it’s no go. Otherwise, it IS Xmas, so use your judgement.)

* I’ve used half a banana plus a tiny bit of honey, to keep the added sugar low. You can taste the banana a little, so if you’d rather not taste banana, use all honey. Or if you prefer no added sugar, use the whole banana – you will still be able to taste the spice.

This recipe is all about making Christmas easy, so we’re not making a custard or separating the eggs. We’re just going to bung it all in the blender, zizz it up for 30 seconds or so, till it’s frothy.

Pimp your egg nog smoothie

• If you’re in a cold part of the world, heat your milk up first, so your drink is warm.

• If you really want to do it the “right” way, and either cook your eggs into a custard, or separate them out to get added froth, here are a couple of links that will give you some tips. A hot custardy version or a cold frothy version

• If you feel like adding some alcohol, the traditional additions seem to be rum, brandy and/or bourbon. I think I’d prefer advocaat, which is already egg nog flavoured, and is known as one of the ingredients in a Fluffy Duck. Or maybe Baileys, but I’m a bit softcore.

• If I choose this for my Xmas breakfast, I will probably add some supplements. I usually go for:

• There is one more variation for the hard core Paleo or GAPS folks out there – forget all the added extras, just throw a mug of hot chicken broth and your 2 raw eggs into the blender, blend, and drink it down like a real caveman or woman.

“Mocha with a twist” smoothie

I’m a bit strange – I love the smell of coffee but don’t like the taste. The only way I can have coffee is as a mochaccino, and it must be early in the day. (Or occasionally as a party drug if I’m really tired but have to stay awake.) So, I started wondering what a mocha would be like with some Christmas flavours added, and some protein to make it more sustaining. Here’s the result.

  • ½ cup hot, black, double strength coffee
  • ½ cup milk or your favourite milk substitute (can be warmed as well, for a hotter drink)
  • Slosh of cream (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon honey (or other sweetener of your choice)
  • 1 tsp raw raw cacao powder (or cocoa, or carob)
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence or ½ tsp vanilla powder
  • 1 tsp mixed spice (or cinnamon mixed with a little nutmeg)
  • Some protein of your choice. We tested it with 2 Tablespoons of almond butter for the vegetarians amongst you, and it worked nicely. But I usually go with a couple of Tablespoons of Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate and/or a couple of raw eggs (free range, organic). Or add a serve of your favourite protein powder – if it’s a chocolate flavoured powder, omit the cocoa powder.

Blend together everything except the hot coffee. Add the coffee, blend again and serve immediately. Then you’ve had your morning coffee, plus some calories to help you through to the big lunch. (This is maybe the anti-bulletproof-coffee, with protein instead of just fat.)

Chocolate Smoothie

If you’d rather forego the coffee and just have a spicy chocolate drink, here’s one for you. Remember though – no carob or cacao till you’re in the later stages of GAPS.

  • 1 cup milk or your favourite milk substitute (cold or warm, depending on your taste)
  • Slosh of cream (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon honey OR a small banana (or other sweetener of your choice)
  • 2 tsp raw cacao powder (or cocoa, or carob)
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence or ½ tsp vanilla powder
  • 1 tsp mixed spice (or cinnamon mixed with a little nutmeg)
  • Some protein of your choice. Either a couple of Tablespoons of Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate and/or a couple of raw eggs (free range, organic); 2 Tablespoons of nut butter or a serve of your favourite protein powder – if it’s a chocolate flavoured powder, omit the cocoa powder.

Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Serve immediately.

Pina Colada smoothie

This recipe was created by the Coconut Mama – original recipe here – and I’ve tweaked a few bits.

• 1 400ml can coconut milk
• 1 can crushed pineapple in juice, drained OR 1.25 cups of fresh pineapple, chopped
• 1 banana, chopped
• 2 teaspoons honey
• Your protein addition of choice: 2-4 egg yolks, preferably pasture raised and/or 2-4 tablespoons Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate, or substitute your favourite unflavoured protein powder
• Feel free to slosh in a little of that rum flavoured essence if you want to pretend you’re on a tropical island drinking the real thing (but not if you’re on GAPS or AIP).
• Or add in supplements of your choice

Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Serve immediately. Unlike the other recipes, this one serves two.

The original recipe calls for the banana and pineapple to be frozen. If you live in a hot place, or you just like cold drinks, go for it. On the other hand, if you prefer a warm drink, heat your milk up first.

Quick way to freeze bananas here.

Pumpkin spice smoothie

I know pumpkin is considered more of an autumn food, but I think one of these would also be a lovely Christmas morning treat. Here’s a few from other bloggers on Steemit:

Other smoothies

I have posted other smoothie recipes, if none of these are what you feel like:

Once you’ve made your chosen smoothie

Serve it in a fancy mug and sip while:

a. Sitting quietly in front of the Xmas tree
b. Listening to your favourite Xmas music
c. Opening the first round of presents with your nearest and dearest
d. All of the above

Stay sitting for a few minutes and take a few deep breaths. Set the intention that whatever happens, you will be filled with joy, radiating it out to all around you. Now that you’ve taken the time to nourish and centre yourself, you’re ready to face whatever Christmas Day may bring. Go out there, be fabulous and have a wonderful day!

Originally posted to Steemit at https://steemit.com/recipes/@kiwideb/festive-breakfast-smoothies-for-christmas-morning

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