There are so many flavours of red pill now that the sheeple are getting confused
Calling people conspiracy theorists has long been used as an easy way to dismiss someone’s opinion without addressing any of the points they raise, and since 2002 I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist many times. Over time a pattern that has emerged is that the people calling me a conspiracy theorist have never fronted up with any facts that disproved anything I was saying, and later, when proven wrong, they just kept quiet and pretended it never happened.
I’d like to list a bunch of con jobs from easiest to hardest, so that people could work their way through them, but which conspiracy is easiest to grasp is a very personal thing. This time I’ve started with water fluoridation and 911 as being very obvious ones, and put the atomic bomb con job at the hard end – but it’s all pretty random.
We tend to have different con jobs that we get stuck on. One that some people who get a lot of this stuff seem to struggle with is the global warming/”climate change” con, and one that seems to anger some of the believers most of all is any exposure of the vaccine scam. Different people open up on different subjects, and some people just deny all of them.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists”- J. Edgar Hoover
My own journey into the maze of conspiracies started long ago with food, when I learned that saturated fat is an essential nutrient, and that fluoride is a poison. And possibly an earlier starting point was that I began learning about the filthy secrets of vaccinations while still at primary school.
Today’s “conspiracy” is tomorrows common knowledge, and while many people now grasp that 911 was a false flag, back in 2002 most didn’t, and some of them got quite worked up about it.
In 2001 I was doing a bit of share trading, and was aware of the insider trading that took place in the days before 911. That along with the BBC report in which building 7 was reported to have collapsed 20 minutes BEFORE it actually did, were the sort of evidence that soon convinced me that 911 was a false flag. I fact I can honestly say I was certain that 911 was a false flag within a week of it happening.
As to whether the buildings were brought down by a very big stash of explosives, thermite, a directed energy weapon, some combination of those things, or something else entirely, I wouldn’t like to guess. But really that isn’t important – what is important is that they were certainly not brought down by fire or aeroplanes.
I think it’s worth cultivating a more aware state of mind than a mindless belief in complete bollocks. Hidden underneath all the worthless misinformation that flows freely out to us everyday, are some rare gems of truth. But you need to sift about for them.
Although focusing incessantly on a lot of this misinformation can be stressful or depressing, it also allows us to take action to avoid being screwed over – and often this action, like refusing vaccinations or amalgam fillings for example – is really quite easy.
I’ve looked into some seemingly diverse subjects like global warming, peak oil, marijuana, hemp, consumerism, the CIA, insider trading, chemtrails, vaccinations, chaos theory, organics, nutrition, censorship, drugs, fluoridation, doctors, google, advertising, corporations, chemicals, GM, computers, free trade, false flags, zionists, and of course the USA and it’s uncontrolled world domination fetish.
The way these things tend to interlink, and the patterns they each repeat, open up a clearer way of looking at things. A bigger picture. There are plenty of people who are trying to distribute quality information. But most punters are not ready or willing to even consider it – they are too thoroughly indoctrinated. So it often stays submerged.
Some people say things like “I just maintain a state of apathetic cynicism and avoid thinking about all this stuff” And that’s a way to reduce stress I suppose. But on the other hand, we are getting mislead and lied to so frequently that it’s a bit dysfunctional to just ignore it and pretend the official story is all true. And I think that there are enough people becoming aware of what’s going on to fight back.
We all tend to react badly to anything that contradicts our existing beliefs. But many of these beliefs, are not self created at all. Others have put them there, to serve their own interests. Whether it’s the media, the medical industry, the CIA, or Monsanto doing the brainwashing, it keeps on working so long as the public avoid questioning it.
The great majority of people would rather jam their head up their own sphincter than start working things out for themselves. In a lot of ways, the movie “The Matrix” is a good analogy for the way in which our whole way of looking at things has to be relearned in order to see the truth. And once you see the matrix, you can’t go back to not seeing it….
So who created the assumptions in your own head, and is it in your interest to continue to believe them?
Here are some examples of widely believed misinformation
(I’d like to list these cover ups from most obvious, through to hardest to get a handle on, but we all have different perceptions of this stuff, so this is pretty random)
Fluoride in the water supply
There are so many myths and assumptions surrounding putting fluoride in water that in a heavily fluoridated country like New Zealand, many people go into a state of incredulous disbelief if they are told that our water supply is being poisoned.
While the issue of whether fluoride reduces dental decay is often debated when discussing this topic (it doesn’t – in fact it actually slightly increases tooth decay – for studies see this article), this is a just a distraction from the real issues – fluoride is put in the water to create a profitable way to dispose of a lethal industrial by-product, and to make the population more submissive
The only reason it remains in the water supplies of a handful of American influenced countries (less than 4% of the population globally) is because the officials who have been pushing this mass medication program don’t want to admit it has been thoroughly discredited.
The 9-11 attacks
The US Government was involved in carrying out the 9-11 attacks – at best the US government knew all about the “attacks” coming on Sep 11 2001, but avoided taking any action to prevent them.
But all the evidence points to the US government planning and carrying them out. The attacks were a perfect excuse to take actions they would never otherwise have been able to get away with, and there is a huge mountain of evidence pointing at the US government as being the “terrorists” who carried out the attacks.
And the Pentagon was not hit by a passenger plane on 9-11 – all the physical evidence indicates that it was hit by something much smaller – a missile, an energy weapon or a drone plane.
There were only two planes, not four, and neither of these were actually passenger planes, but military refueling planes flown by remote control from a command centre in Building 7. There were no passengers, and no terrorists other than the US government ones.
The three WTC towers that collapsed into piles of dust at free-fall speed leaving very little wreckage on 9-11 were felled by energy weapons, thermite explosives, or a combination of these things (only two were even hit by planes anyway). The superheated by fire story has been thoroughly discredited.
Amazingly, nearly 20 years on, many Americans still don’t even know a third tower fell down! The third tower was 47 stories tall, it was called “World Trade Center Building 7”, and nothing hit it, it wasn’t on fire, it just collapsed at free fall speed. Some people would call that suspicious. And the hole in the middle of building 6 was a bit suspect too.
If there is still anyone who still hasn’t grasped that 9/11 was a false flag by now, they need to watch this brilliant 5 min video and then they can be as informed as the 2.7 million people who have watched it already.
Almost ALL mainstream food information is false
A low fat/high carb diet contributes to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. This has been widely known (and covered up) since the 1930’s. The idea of a “Healthy Low Fat” diet is total bollocks. Saturated fat and cholesterol are both essential nutrients.
A low cholesterol diet raises the levels of bad cholesterol and increases the likelihood of heart attacks and high blood pressure. Basically a diet low in cholesterol causes high cholesterol. (yes, the exact opposite of what “doctors” are saying)
Milk that has been pasturised is worse than useless, all the enzymes in it that are needed for digestion and calcium absorbsion have been destroyed. Only raw milk is worth drinking, commercial milk is toxic.
Intolerance to gluten follows a bell curve, from celiacs to people who are fine eating gluten, but the vast majority (well over 50%) of people are suffering major health problems from eating gluten – one of the ways to reduce cancer is to avoid eating gluten.
Most obese people are suffering from malnutrition. (They eat a lot of shit but not many nutrients). The population of America are one of the most malnourished in the world. And NZ is following the dietary mistakes of the most obese nation of all time.
False Flags
The US government/Mossad/NWO are regularly creating false flag “terrorist” events, such as the Boston Marathon bombings, and the Sandy Hook shootings, along with the big ones like 911 and the 2015 Paris bombings.
These false flag operations are full of obvious holes to anyone who takes the time to have a closer look at them. Here’s a photo from the Boston Marathon “bombings”, for example. This man who was supposed to have had his legs blown off in the marathon is a well known “crisis actor”.
As well as the crisis actors, False flag events follow a number of other repeating patterns:
Drug Cheats
It was clear from the outset to anyone who was paying attention that Lance Armstrong was a drug cheat
As an ex-cyclist and ex-bike shop owner, I’ve long had an interest in this story. Cycling has a history of drug use dating back over 100 years, and it pretty much goes without saying that anyone finishing in the top 10 in the Tour de France from 1970 to 2010 was on the juice. And possibly, things haven’t really changed all that much in recent years.
After he was caught Armstrong said that he wasn’t cheating because everyone was doing it. That everyone was doing it is one of the few true things that Armstrong has ever said.
Beyond the mafia like business of Armstrong’s doping system, which is covered in books like “Cycle Of Lies” there are several other revealing aspects to this story. One is the way is which so many people blocked out the evidence of something that was blatantly obvious. And then claimed not to know… (like 911, fluoride, or GMO’s)
Another is that the real corruption, and the real money here, was not the cycling but the cancer industry. But this side of the story was covered up perfectly, as it always is… (like the causes and cures of cancer are too)
And the story is also a very good example of the corruption endemic in American culture, and the mass media driven worship of lying sociopaths… (like so many American politicians, celebrities, business leaders, and athletes)
Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction” were entirely fake
Clearly there were no “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq in 2002. And it’s highly unlikely that the US ever intended to “win the war in Iraq” The building of the largest embassy in the world did indicate they were not planning to leave in a hurry.
William Shakespeare was a pseudonym
Not that I really care much about this one, because I think William Shakespeare is boring and I’d rather read William Gibson, but if you are into the classics, it does seem highly unlikely that an under-educated man from Stratford-Upon-Avon, who had never travelled anywhere, and couldn’t reliably spell his own name, wrote all that stuff about Europe. Really the Frances Bacon pseudonym idea is not half bad.
Cell Phones are a major health danger
Cell phones are radiating your brain, tracking your position, and feeding your messages into Echelon. And yes they do cause brain tumours.
Cancer is an industry
Over the past 80 years many effective natural treatments for cancer have been aggressively repressed. And there have been numerous effective treatments. Cancer is an industry, and any “cure for cancer” is covered up as quickly as possible. The sickness industry is one of the biggest money making con-jobs of all time, and anything that threatens that monopoly is squashed ruthlessly.
Sugar, in all its refined forms (listed in ingredients as sugar, cane sugar, sucrose, glucose, maltose, dextrose, etc), is carcinogenic. Eaten regularly it causes cancer.
Keeping that idea in mind, check out the ingredients of all common packaged foods in the supermarket. Most of them contain sugar. Why? Food with sugar in it has no health warnings, and no one ever comes on the TV and tells people that the ever increasing rates of obesity and cancer have anything to do with sugar….
Does refined sugar cause cancer? – Yes, as certainly as cigarette smoking does. And it’s even more addictive. That’s been known since the 1930’s. So why don’t most people know by now? Part of the reason is that sugar, like most refined carbs, is very cheap to produce, and the people who profit from this also have friends in high places. Like the FDA.
So even an example as basic as sugar quickly highlights a corrupt tie in between food producers, soft drink manufacturers, the advertising industry, political funding, the diet industry, the medical industry, the media, the FDA, the Heart Foundation, the Cancer Society, the government, and so on.
Your computer is spying on you
It’s very likely your computer is spying on you one way or another. Microsoft is a large part of the surveillance operation – and that may in part explain why Windows 10 is so appalling.
There is more than just data mining going on here, and Microsoft software like Windows 10 is not just a result of total incompetence – they have other agendas in mind, and it’s safe to say that increasing the productivity of any of the poor saps clueless enough to use it, is not the main objective.
In general “they” are not using it to read the average person’s emails, but to detect large scale trends such as movements in banking and share trading – but if necessary they certainly can read your email
Facebook, like Google, is data mining on a huge scale. Google is definitely collecting your data too, along with Microsoft… yes they are spying on you.
This may not be such a big deal – most of the data they trawl though is mind numbingly boring and irrelevant. But what they are able to do is to build up a giant feedback loop, and use it to shape mainstream beliefs, often working with the media to develop effective propaganda.
The “moon landings” were fakes
There is very good evidence that the Apollo moon landing was faked in a film studio, and it’s pretty obvoius that nobody has ever landed on the moon, and never will.
In countries that are not under the spell of the US media, this is a fairly common belief. While some of the information saying the moon landings were fake is full of holes, it’s also very likely that the US Government has had a hand in creating some of the dodgy fake moon landing web sites in order to make “conspiracy theorists” look like gullible bozos.
Amalgam Fillings are toxic
The amalgam (mercury) fillings loved by English speaking dentists are causing cancer, and just about every other disease. Admitting that would be very expensive, so no-one is going to be admitting to anything.
Vaccinations are a giant scam
To rational human beings, the ultimate test of both the safety and efficacy of would be: prolonged use over a period of time, with vigilant reporting of side effects.
But for some extraordinary reason, doctors are not routinely required to report either deaths following vaccination, complications following vaccination, or even if and when people contract the illness against which they have been vaccinated.
The Autism Vaccine Link is a well proven fact
Autism is triggered by the failure to eliminate heavy metals – what heavy metals? – the mercury in vaccines for starters, and the mercury inherited from the parents amalgam fillings too – yes, there is more to it than this, but ignoring the basics is not a good start.
There are many other side effects of vaccination, this is huge subject, and pro-vaccine people get very angry, and very inaccurate about this subject when it is discussed. I have a page on this subject.
For anyone who has swallowed the propaganda hook, line, and sinker, here is a list of 26 studies from around the world that support Dr. Wakefield’s findings that vaccinations cause autism:
The Journal of Pediatrics November 1999; 135(5):559-63
The Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 138(3): 366-372
Journal of Clinical Immunology November 2003; 23(6): 504-517
Journal of Neuroimmunology 2005
Brain, Behavior and Immunity 1993; 7: 97-103
Pediatric Neurology 2003; 28(4): 1-3
Neuropsychobiology 2005; 51:77-85
The Journal of Pediatrics May 2005;146(5):605-10
Autism Insights 2009; 1: 1-11
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology February 2009; 23(2): 95-98
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 2009:21(3): 148-161
Journal of Child Neurology June 29, 2009; 000:1-6
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders March 2009;39(3):405-13
Medical Hypotheses August 1998;51:133-144
Journal of Child Neurology July 2000; ;15(7):429-35
Lancet. 1972;2:883–884
Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia January-March 1971;1:48-62
Journal of Pediatrics March 2001;138:366-372
Molecular Psychiatry 2002;7:375-382
American Journal of Gastroenterolgy April 2004;598-605
Journal of Clinical Immunology November 2003;23:504-517
Neuroimmunology April 2006;173(1-2):126-34
Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol Biol. Psychiatry December 30 2006;30:1472-1477
Clinical Infectious Diseases September 1 2002;35(Suppl 1):S6-S16
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2004;70(11):6459-6465
Journal of Medical Microbiology October 2005;54:987-991
Software is all available free and nobody needs to give any money to scumbags like Microsoft
Software is readily available free – all programs, either legally (Linux), or “illegally” (bootlegs of Microsoft Windows 7 etc, are readily available on torrent sites) – so there is no excuse for paying money for software.
Even if you are in a position where you have to comply with “laws” (“fuck them and their laws” – Prodigy), you could use Linux (I recommend Linux Mint Cinnamon 20). And Libre Office is better than Microsoft Office if you really have to run a fully legit Windows PC.
America helped put Hitler in power
There are a number of “conspiracy theories” involving America around WWII: foreknowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour (the first 911), the funding of the Nazi party in the 30’s by American businesses such as Ford, the supply of US made goods to Germany by US companies such as Coca Cola (Fanta) and IBM during the war, many of the events surrounding the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan (at what point had Japan surrendered, and were the bombs really developed by the Americans?), and the adaptation of Nazi developed technologies immediately after WWII (including water fluoridation and CIA mind control techniques). Investigation into any of these areas opens up a big can of worms!
America is no democracy
Even George W Bush did not actually win power by election, as the vote count was illegally tampered with, from way back then. Now the US vote counting system is a complete joke, and the US is certainly not a democracy.
The elections are a puppet show, designed to divide and distract a gullible public, while placing a corrupt but low level puppet in place to continue a NWO/zionist/rotchild agenda
A leader who takes power illegally without being elected is generally considered a dictator, and that includes all American presidents for decades. They are all just a new world order puppets.
Paper money is almost worthless
The current value of a US dollar is less than five cents – paper and electronic cash is a con job – real money is gold or silver bullion – the paper stuff is a collective fantasy that only works so long as the masses don’t find out what it’s real value is. This aide of things is about to get interesting. Make sure you have some cryptos!
Wikipedia is a vast propaganda and misinformation website
Wikipedia gives some very accurate and detailed information, if for example you are looking for the history and specifications of Toyota Corollas, but if on the other hand, you use it to research pretty much any of the subjects on this page, it’s safe to say you will find nothing but complete bollocks.
In some cases the pages are just full on hit pieces – for example this page on Mike Adams (Natural News) which uses the classic Wikipedia tactic of listing a bunch of facts without even claiming any of them are untrue, but framing them in such a way as to make them all sound like lies:
“Natural News is a website for the sale of various dietary supplements, promotion of alternative medicine, controversial nutrition and health claims, and various conspiracy theories, such as “chemtrails“, chemophobic claims (including the purported dangers of fluoride in drinking water, anti-perspirants, laundry detergent, monosodium glutamate, and aspartame), and purported health problems caused by allegedly “toxic” ingredients in vaccines, including the now-discredited link to autism.
It has also spread conspiracy theories about the purported adverse effects of genetically modified crops, as well as the farming practices associated with and foods derived from them. The site’s founder, Michael Allen “Mike” Adams, has described vaccines as medical child abuse”
Yes, and those purported claims all allegedly “sound” about right…
Atomic bombs are a complete con job – they don’t even exist.
August 1945, Hiroshima, Japan – funny how the ruins look pretty much the same as Tokyo or Dresden…
This con job was all new to me until about five years ago – I just never thought about it. It’s a real can of worms, but even I could see that the old video footage is fake, and a quick look around (not on Google though, because that search engine is less than forthcoming on this subject) rapidly has atom bombs looking as real as moon landings. Holy crap we are a gullible public.
But some conspiracies theories cross my line in the sand and in my opinion are complete bollocks…
Reptilian Shape Shifters
At this point I want to make it clear that I am not writing this to take the piss out of David Icke – while I don’t agree with everything he says, I do think he exposes a lot of real cover ups.
To me he seems to take things a bit too far sometimes. And reptilians are beyond my own conspiracy line in the sand.
In my opinion UFO’s are another false flag, intended to put fear into the public and make them more accepting of a police state. They are not being covered up, they are being created.
Check the facts yourself
It’s always necessary to do your own research, unlike the plonkers who say “you can’t believe everything you read on the internet”, as if there is some other source of information which is all true (like “Time” magazine maybe).
Everything is just a hypothesis, including the nature of the reality we believe we live in. Different people inhabit very different realities.
I’m far from certain that an ability to see the holes in the stories that are served up to us is always a good thing – it doesn’t necessarily lead to increased happiness or more friends for starters. So be sure you are committed to finding the truth behind the appearances, because once you find out this stuff, you can’t unlearn or forget it. And an awful lot of people seem to be getting very angry about the way their deeply held beliefs are falling down around their ankles.
Whether or not there’s any truth to the reptile thing I have no idea, but I do think there may be substance to the Illuminati idea, and the corona hoax is the biggest deep state scam since 911…