For decades I have to some extent gone along with ideas of copyright, accepting that it’s not cool to just copy and paste other peoples web pages, but this is 2023 and there are now so many sick jabbed people around, I think it’s more important to pass on any information that might help them, so I’m going to start posting a copy of anything I see that looks like it might contain some good health information. 

Spike proteins may well be as fake as everything else about the covid plandemic, but there is some good info on herbs and supplements for general immunity here:

Natural substances that may neutralise covid vaccine spike proteins

It is estimated that more than 5 billion people worldwide have now been “vaccinated” for the so called “COVID” virus (Certificate Of Vaccine ID). Many of them now suffer from “long covid”, which could be due to the persistent damage caused by the spike proteins contained in (viral vector) and produced by the (mRNA) jabs.

Also known as the S protein, covid jab spike proteins do a whole lot more harm than just bind to the body’s ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) receptors, allowing the virus to invade cells. It turns out that covid jab spike proteins interact with many other cellular tissues, including in the lungs, mitochondria and cardiovascular system.

This assault causes all kinds of health damage to the many intricate and complex systems of the body. And in the case of messenger RNA injections (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna), the spike proteins continue to be manufactured inside the body long after the initial jabs.

We now know for a fact that jab spike proteins:

• Damage the lung cells (including the pulmonary alveoli and pulmonary endothelial cells)
• Damage the mitochondria and DNA structures
• Damage cardiovascular cells
• Increase the risk of blood clots
• Damage brain cells
• Promote inflammation
• Suppress immunity
• Increase the risk of cancer

A 2021 paper published in the bioRxiv preprint repository found that spike proteins cause the Type 1 catalytic receptors in the kidneys to increase in kidney cell tissue, making the kidneys more susceptible to the Fauci Flu.

Spike proteins also cause cells in the small intestine to stimulate large amounts of L-SIGN (liver / lymph node-specific intracellular adhesion molecules-3 grabbing non-integrin) receptors, which defend against pathogens. The problem with this is that after a large number of adhesions occur, the small intestine becomes more susceptible to viral infection.

Similarly, spike proteins trigger an increase in DC-SIGN (Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin) receptors in the lungs, which can trigger inflammatory symptoms in the lungs.

“In addition, spike proteins can cause different degrees of oxidation of the organs, leading to more cells’ premature deaths and putting the body in a hyperoxidized state, which may further increase the risk of cancer,” reports The Epoch Times.

Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) found that spike proteins negatively impact lung functionality by causing the pulmonary alveolar cell walls to thicken and solidify. They also inhibit the pulmonary cell mitochondria, which is where energy is produced.

Prolonged covid symptoms could actually be the spike proteins damaging mitochondria and blocking their energy production. The result is a cascade of abnormalities and health problems that vary from person to person.

Perhaps the biggest fear is cardiovascular damage, the risk of which is greatly increased by the presence of spike proteins. The risk of blood clots increases massively following exposure to them, hence why many “fully vaccinated” people are developing conditions like myocarditis and pericarditis.

Here’s how to protect yourself against spike protein damage

If you or someone you know got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) and now regret it, all hope is not lost. The following vitamins and herbs have been scientifically shown to help neutralize spike proteins and the damage they inflict on the body.

The World Council for Health (WCH) recommends the following immune-boosting compounds, which may help to expel vaccine spike proteins while improving the symptoms they cause:

Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Omega 3 fatty acids

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a powerful anti-inflammatory that further helps protect the body against spike protein damage.

Consuming a low-histamine diet will also help to prevent the immune system from overreacting and harming the body more, a situation known as a cytokine storm.

Common medications that can help improve symptoms include:

Mast cell stabilizers

Aspirin helps to thin the blood, reducing the risk of thrombus and the ever-dreaded Fauci Flu shot blood clots that many people are suffering.

Antihistamines, in a similar way to NAC, prevent over-activation of the immune system while the others help to minimize inflammation.

Ivermectin, by the way, is a powerful remedy for a variety of health conditions, including cancer. For many, it also rids the body of the Fauci Flu.

In the plant kingdom, the following substances are spike protein inhibitors:

Selfheal extract
Pine needle extract
Dandelion leaf extract
Rheum emodim

Neem is another spike protein inhibitor, as is ivermectin.

As for spike protein neutralizers, the following herbs and substances show incredible promise in remediating the damage caused by the injections:NAC
Fennel tea
Anise tea
Pine needle tea
St. John’s Wort
Vitamin C

“Some of these ingredients, such as the shikimic acid contained in pine needles, have antioxidant properties that can reduce oxidized free radicals in the body and provide a detoxifying effect,” reports The Epoch Times.

More of the latest news about coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Herb News