Beefing up your Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate

BreakfastSome of us wanting to eat only real foods might miss the convenience of whipping up a protein rich smoothie – most protein powders are too processed, contain some sort of undesirable additive, or are based on foods that might not suit our metabolism. Yes, we can add raw eggs to our smoothies, but we may be aiming for more protein per meal than we can get from eggs.

Enter, gelatin! Yes, there is still some processing of it, but most people tolerate it well, and many are finding it therapeutic for gut health and joint pain. The gelatins (red or orange can) need to be dissolved in hot water, but the Collagen Hydrolysate in the green can dissolves in cold, so is perfect for protein shakes. It isn’t a complete protein, but you can add a little taurine and possibly some glutamine to complete it.

We’ve been making our own superfood protein mixes, and want to share with you some examples of how we’ve each individualised our blends. Mix everything till well combined and store in sealed containers.

(If you’re in NZ and looking for sources, some of these products are available through our Nature Foods online store, and are linked to for your convenience. If there’s anything else you can’t find, ask us.)

For a basic smoothie

Blend together:

  • A liquid base: eg
    • fermented dairy
    • OR coconut, cashew or nut milk
    • OR avocado and water
    • OR cooked pumpkin and water
  • Liquid vitamins or minerals
  • Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate (by itself or combined with Taurine and your own favourite superfood powders)
  • Fruit or veges of your choice

 Recipe 1 – young man, weight trains, dairy free

Add about ¾ cup to each smoothie, plus:

  • nut or cashew milk OR avocado and water
  • 2 raw eggs
  • a banana
  • 2 feijoas.

Hint: in summer we freeze feijoas whole, to use through the winter. Put in hot water for a couple of minutes, then the skin peels off easily and the frozen flesh can be cut up and added to the blender.

Recipe 2 – man with fatigue & food sensitivities

Add just over ½ cup to each smoothie, plus:

 Recipe 3 – post menopausal woman

Add just over ½ cup to each smoothie, plus:

More smoothie ideas in this post: Mix & Match Smoothie