Sauerkraut Salad

Some people love sauerkraut. And some people just don’t like it at all, but know it’s good for them. When you’re first introducing a tiny bit of kraut into your diet, you can usually hide it in something, but once you’re up to 2-3 tablespoons, it’s harder to hide. One way you can make it more interesting is to vary what goes into your sauerkraut – carrots, red cabbage instead of green, some beetroot.

We’ve recently been enjoying sauerkraut salad. This would be good if you’re still easing into GAPS, or later on, when you’re digesting raw vegetables well. It’s not suitable for the early stages of GAPS Intro.

This is enough for two people:

  • About 4-5 Tbs sauerkraut
  • A carrot
  • Or an apple
  • Or 1/2 a beetroot
  • A little red onion, finely chopped (optional, if you can digest it)
  • 1-2 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
  • 1-2 Tbs chopped nuts and seeds or homemade dukkah
Grate the carrot, apple and/or beetroot. Or roughly chop them, then zizz in a mini food processor till in small chunks. Mix everything except the nuts and seeds together, then stir those through.
This particular salad looks very carroty, as the original sauerkraut also had carrot in it.
For Xmas, I’d use zizzed beetroot and apple, and some chunkier pieces of almond. Maybe serve it on a lettuce leaf  such as baby cos.