Tomato ketchup sauce
This is based on the Ketchup recipe from Nourishing Traditions, reduced to a smaller serving and with alternative sweeteners.
- 280ml (1 ¼ cups) tomato paste, preferably organic, with no added salt or other additives
- 20ml (4 tsp) whey
- 5ml (1 tsp) fine sea salt
- 40ml (8 tsp) maple syrup or rapadura or other dehydrated cane juice
- pinch of cayenne pepper
- 40ml (8 tsp) fish sauce
Mix together well. Put into a jar, leaving about an inch of space at the top of the jar. Leave out at room temperature for 2 days, then store in the fridge. As it’s lacto-fermented, it will keep for much longer than plain tomato paste.
Use with fish and chips, sausages, meat patties or anywhere else you’d normally use a ketchup-style tomato sauce.
The original recipe also includes 1 clove minced garlic, but I left that out, as I was aiming for a flavour similar to “Watties” tomato sauce.