At the start of June 2023 I decided to revert back to posting on Blogger, and the SIFT blog worked well so I went on to add two more new Blogger blogs, WAPF WELLINGTON, and TRANSVESTIGATE, both starting July 2023.

The irony of this is not lost on me – after a decade of avoiding Google I have started using Google owned Blogger again because my WordPress blog is still to this day getting very little traffic since Google black listed it back in 2016, and I’ve become disillusioned with blockchain sites like Steemit, Hive, and Blurt and Bastyon over the past few years due to insider corruption and ever decreasing engagement and payouts…

I began blogging on Blogger long ago, and I always liked the way the platform works. After trying out every other platform under the sun over the past decade, I have come around to thinking “Oh fuck it, I don’t like Google, but I use Android every day, so maybe I’ll step down from my righteous pedestal and start posting on Blogger again”

The first thing I found is that it hasn’t changed at all in the past ten years, and it’s still fun and easy to use, so I set up three brand new blogs, SIFT, WAPF WELLINGTON, and TRANSVESTIGATE. Because these blogs were new and I wanted to quickly fill them out I copied some of the initial content from this blog.

I still plan to keep posting here on this blog as well, but Blogger is faster and more convenient, so I may just throw stuff out on my Blogger blogs first and then do regular compilation posts of that content here, which both backs my posts up against censorship and creates longer posts that may show up in search engines other than Google. On DuckDuckGo a search for “transvestigate” images returns almost all images from this blog in the Top 50 results.

PS. A few months down the track I started losing interest in my Blogger blogs, simply because while the hits started out gradually increasing, after a couple of months they pretty much all dried up, so Google is clearly making sure they get as little traffic as possible, and I can’t be arsed with that bullshit. At this point (November 2023) I’m undecided what to do about blogging. After 25 years of posting stuff online it’s sort of like scratching my nuts or picking my nose. So I will probably continue to some extent, but any illusions I had of building a growing audience on Blogger (or here on WordPress) has fully evaporated. It’s not like it’s 2016 or anything…

A big potential issue is that Google may decide to censor these blogs or shut my account down. So my plan is to take regular copies of the posts on those blogs and repost the content here on my self hosted blog. My old Blogger blog was still sitting there exactly as I left it eight years ago, so hopefully they won’t notice my three new blogs either, but the internet is a heavily censored place these days.