

This post was written in easier times (2016) and to be honest, things have really gone backwards over the past seven years – it is in the process of being updated, contact us on wapfwellington@protonmail.me for more up to date information.

If you would like us to post you an information pack including an e-book of Nutrition and Physical degeneration, or a back issue copy of one of the quarterly journals, just email us at: wapfwellington@protonmail.me and let us know your postal address. 

How do I go about joining the Weston A Price Foundation?

You can join up by going to the Weston A Price Foundation site and clicking on “become a member” – If you have any problems processing your membership, get in touch with us and we can process it for you.

What activities does the Wellington Chapter organise?

Some chapters organise regular meetings, but our experience has been that Wellington members are more interested in information than in getting together.This might be a good thing to change, so if you are keen on organising anything please get in touch and we will be happy to put the word out.

 Many of the WAPF related interests that we involved with are also our full time job, and we are sometimes rushing to keep up with them all, so we tend to streamline our activities to some extent. 

On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays we send out parcels to customers all over NZ from our business Nature Foods including WAPF related foods such as cod liver oil, and Biokult Probiotics, but after 15 years of this we will be gradually winding most of this business down in late 2023.

On Wednesdays we were a pick point for Alt Energy Farm Co-op milk and used to have hundreds of litres of raw milk dropped off in our porch, along with a lot of free range eggs, but relentless attacks from the NZ government ending in a NZ$70k fine to our suppliers ended all that. Now we recommend Jersey Girl A2 organic milk from Common SEnse Organics. It is pasturised but can easily be made into Caspian Sea Yogurt. Contact us if you need a starter.

 Deb still sees clients for personal health consultations and uses a range of modalities including whole food (WAPF) nutrition, GAPS and other therapeutic diets, EFT, Kinesiology, Reiki and Allergy Antidotes. She has been too busy to do much of that over the past few years but she plans to start do more again as the Nature Foods work winds down.

We have a library of diet and health books that we often lend out to people.

 We have more than 350 webpages online which can be accessed through our portal   www.frot.co.nz   They include:

 WAPF Wellington Chapter  – Wellington NZ chapter of the Weston A Price Foundation website

Our Facebook page

 www.naturefoods.co.nz  – our online food shop selling coconut products, cod liver oil, and more

 www.diet.net.nz – Deb’s food and nutrition site

 www.coconut.org.nz – information about coconut products for health and cooking

www.debgully.com – Deb Gully – Natural Health Therapist – Real Food Nutrition, EFT practitioner, Kinesiologist, Allergy Antidotes, Body Talk Access, Reiki, GAPS diet, WAPF nutrition

 www.milk.org.nz – milk in its natural state -unprocessed, organic, full-fat milk

Where can I buy raw milk in Wellington?

Contact us and we can put you in touch with our suppliers

You can see some of the cows by viewing photos of the herd

For general info on raw milk see our page about milk

or www.milk.org.nz or the real milk site

Where can I buy raw milk in the Auckland area?

We seem to be asked this quite often – probably because until recently Auckland has not been an easy place to get raw milk (unlike Invercargill, Palmerston North or Wellington) – but it is around – contact: 

South & East Auckland Chapter – Caroline Marshall, caroline@culturedkitchen.co.nz

North & West Auckland Chapter – Alison Ellett, alison@wapf-auckland.co.nz  


Drury Church Farm in South Auckland farm sells raw milk to the public:

Drury Church Farm – Ph 294-7332
13 Sutton Road,


 Farm Fresh Milk Taupaki sells milk from a vending machine 


Milk can be purchased for $3 per litre from the milk vending machine. Bring your own bottles or they have glass bottles for $4 each and plastic for $1.
They are open every day, 8am to 6pm.

You can find them at: 554 Waitakere Road, Taupaki (West Auckland)


Weston A Price Centre 

Chapter Leader Alison Ellett and family are now informing their milk club members of this new development.   

Situated on highway 16 at Woodhill, easy to find. 

A Weston A Price dedicated place for sourcing raw, clean, nutrient dense milk and cream, from cows, 100% grass fed, all year round supply, PLUS Milk and cream cultures, information, books, meeting place and so much more. 

Go through the Auckland-North and West website www.wapf-auckland.co.nz or email directly to: churchfulfilment@mail.com

How can I remineralise my teeth? 

First, go to the website of Ramiel Nagel, author of “Cure Tooth Decay”, which will give you enough information to get started. If you need serious help, it would be well worth getting his book.

To give a very brief summary, tooth decay isn’t caused by sugar coating our teeth, but rather by imbalances in our body chemistry.

So to heal tooth decay, some of the basic requirements are:

A nutrient dense, whole foods, Weston A Price type diet, including:

Bone broths & marrow

Cod liver oil

Butter oil, or lots of good butter

Good quality animal foods, including some raw

Fermented foods

(Some people need further specific help to normalise their hormones and body chemistry)

A fluoride free, glycerine free tooth cleaner

The last one is important because glycerine coats your teeth, so that they can’t remineralise. Unfortunately, virtually all toothpastes contain glycerine. Other alternatives such as tooth powder are hard to find in NZ. Baking soda is another option. We have several fluoride free, glycerine free tooth pastes available:


We are often asked questions about dental health, and knowing this is vast and complex subject, to be honest we have until now mainly just referred people to other sources.

But recently the subject has really taken off, more people know about dental cover ups like root canals and fluoride, and are aware that like most mainstream nutrition advice, most mainstream dentistry advice is a dangerous bunch of lies.

So we have put together some good information on a new “dental health” webpage:


What Farmer’s Markets are there in Wellington?

Hill Street Farmers’ Market. The market takes place every Saturday, from 8.30am until 12.30pm in the carpark of the Cathedral of St Paul in Hill Street, Thorndon.


Victoria Street Farmers’ Market, with around 35 stalls, takes place at its location in the Victoria Street car park every Sunday through the year, apart from Christmas Day.

It runs from 4 am through to around 2.30 pm and can be accessed from Victoria, Vivian or Willis Streets.



Other weekly Wellington Farmers’ Markets:


Farmers’ Market in Paraparaumu (at Lindale)

Tawa Lions Saturday Market.


Harbourside Market

Upper Hutt Farmers Market 

Do you have organic meat available? 

Finding good quality meat locally is often a bit tricky. In the past we have organised some home kill meat deliveries, but storage and delivery has been difficult. Although we do have four freezers and nine chili bins, they are often all in use, and meat pick ups have to go very smoothly or it can all get a bit messy.  

At this point we don’t have any local meat suppliers, and we usually buy our own meat from Common Sense Organics or Moore Wilsons.

We do get quite a few enquiries, so if you know of any good potential local or mail order suppliers please keep us posted. What we are particularly looking for is meat from animals raised on high quality organic pasture.


What health practitioners can you recommend?

Here are several talented and experienced practitioners we are aware of:

Dr Sarena Syphers – Chiropractor, NET (Neuro Emotion Technique) practitioner

Be Well Chiro

21 Riddiford Street
Wellington 6021
Phone: 04 388 4512


Dr David Comely – Chiropractor, GAPS practitioner

Total Health Chiropractic

Total Health Chiropractic
74 Park Road
Wellington 6022
Phone: 04 891 0911


Gary Moller – Inter Clinical Laboratories Registered Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and Medical Nutrition Consultant
(Academic Qualifications: DipPhEd, PGDipRehab, PGDipSportMed (Otago)


15 Heaton Terrace, Brooklyn
Wellington 6021, New Zealand
Phone: 64 4 801 6436
Mobile/Txt: 0274 930 979


Pip Martin – SCENAR Therapist


48 Martins Road
Manakau Levin
Phone: 06 362 6826 or 06 362 6883


Alicia Melrose – Registered Medical Herbalist, Physiotherapist, BA (Hons), MNZAMH, Dip Phyt.

Belmont Park Retreat

Belmont Park Retreat Natural Health Centre
147 Stratton Street
Lower Hutt

Email: belmontparkretreat@gmail.com


John Xu – Accupunture, Traditional Chinese medicine

TMC Clinic

T.C.M Clinic
Level 7, Change House
150 Featherston St
04 499 8903


Vanessa Young – Homeopath

Vanessa Young

10th floor, Greenock House
39 The Terrace


Dr Tralee Sugrue – GP, Homeopath, BSc MB ChB LFHom(Med) FRNZCGP 

Natural Healing Raumati

Natural Healing Raumati 
22 Margaret Road
Raumati Beach
Paraparaumu 5032


Dr Sam Shay – Holistic Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, and Functional Neurologist.
(Has taught WAPF nutritional principles for 15+ years)


Aroha Acupuncture
75 Ghuznee St, Level 6
Te Aro, Wellington
Phone: 04-889-3433

How can I buy your free range eggs?

We are a drop off point for Conscious Choice Coop. If you would like to order eggs please email us: wapf@frot.co.nz

The eggs are dropped of at our porch on Wednesdays, and also at a range of other collection points around the Wellington region

The eggs cost $8 for one dozen, or $4 for a half dozen.


Where can I buy grass fed preservative free gelatin?

We sell several types of pure gelatin through Nature Foods


The red Great Lakes one needs to be dissolved in hot water and is a traditional gelatin as used in soups and jellies. The green one (Collagen Hydrolysate) dissolves in cold and is mainly used in smoothies. (The std red gelatin is available in either beef or pork)



Where can I buy sauerkraut (fermented veges)? 

 There are now several excellent varieties available at Common Sense Organics, so we have generally moved away from holding any stock ourselves. 

We recommend Be Nourished which is available in five flavours along with Kimchi



And Pure Pantry which is available in: Traditional, Classic Caraway, Beetroot Ginger, Cauli Curry, and Hot Chilli Salsa 


Where can I get a Caspian Sea Yoghurt starter?

  Deb was interviewed on National Radio about how to make Caspian Sea Yoghurt (Sat 30 June 2012)

 The show was “This Way Up” with Simon Morton.

 You can hear it online here:


 This generated a lot of interest in yoghurt starters, and we have people asking where they can get some.

 If you’re in Wellington, you can get it from us.

 It’s $5 for starter and instructions. 

 We can courier it out if necessary for an extra $6, but its best if you can pick it up so it’s not out of the fridge too long.

 You can pick it up from here most times during next week; just ring us beforehand so we know when to expect you. 934 6366

 If you’re not in Wellington, first try contacting your local chapter

Where can I get some milk kefir grains?

Deb was interviewed on National Radio about how to make milk Kefir (Sat 15 September 2012). The show was “This Way Up” with Simon Morton.  

You can hear it online here: 


We have had people asking where they can get some milk kefir grains 

If you’re in Wellington, you can get them from us.  

It’s $5 for starter and instructions.

 We can courier it out if necessary for an extra $6, but its best if you can pick it up so it’s not out of the fridge too long. 

You can pick it up from here most times during next week; just ring us beforehand so we know when to expect you – 04 934 6366 

If you’re not in Wellington, first try contacting your local chapter

Which types of plastic are safe for food and water storage?

Plastic products are commonly marked with a number enclosed by the recycling symbol, which is typically found on the bottom of the product. This symbol is used to identify the plastic and recyclability of the product. In general plastic products marked with the numbers 2, 4 and 5 are the safer choices. Avoid 3 and 6 and 7


What type of stools are best?

The ideal stool types are 4 or 5. Types 1, 2 and 3 = hard or impacted stools. Type 4 and 5 = normal or optimal. Type 6 = loose stool, subnormal, or suboptimal, and type 7 = diarrhea.



Where can I find out about Vitamin C Megadose Therapy?

A book that provides an excellent introduction is “Vitamin C the Real Story” by Steve Hickey and Andrew Saul

It’s available here:


Another excellent book is “Primal Panacea” by Thomas Levy – it’s quite hard to find in NZ but is available from here:


Unfortunately Weston A Price died in 1948, prior to much of the research on Vit C therapy, and it’s not an area that the foundation has researched, so there are no links on the main foundation website.

More information is available here:


Good quality Vitamin C is available in NZ:


Liposomal Gel





Micro Liposomal Vitamin C is also now available in NZ.

This is more convenient to take than the regular liposmal vitamin C – a liquid rather than a gel, but it is also more expensive.




Powder – this is good quality nice tasting orange flavoured powder, but powder is only really suitable for small maintenance doses of up to 1- 4 grams per day – for mega dosing take Liposamal Vit C.


Where can I buy copies of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine? 

If you are unable to find copies of this brilliant magazine your local book shop, you can order it or subscribe to it here – www.naturalmedicine.net.nz 

We highly recommend this NZ magazine and consider it the best health magazine in the world.

Where can I buy lard?

Havoc Prime Pork Products www.havocpork.co.nz sell lard, made on their own premises from their own pigs.

This is available by order at Commonsense Organics


What is your position on vaccinations?  

We strongly recommend rejecting and avoiding ALL vaccinations, especially for babies and children, and we have the backing of the Weston A Price Foundation on this.  westonaprice.org/vaccinations

Because this is a highly emotive and controversial subject, we have previously tended to avoid getting into much public debate about it. But in 2015 the vaccine industry propaganda became even more aggressive, so we now take a more public stand on this important issue.

Our own webpage about vaccinations is here:

Vaccinations – Potentially lethal and totally ineffective

Here are more vaccination resources:

age of autism.com

a shot of truth.org

beyond conformity.org.nz

corbett report.com – vaccinations

dr tenpenny.com

educate yourself.org – swine flu index

epidemic facts


health freedom.co.nz – Health Freedom NZ

ias.org.nz – Immunisation Awareness Society NZ


mercola.com – vaccines

sail home.org – vaccines

serendipity.li – swine flu

sift.co.nz – vaccinations

sott.net – swine flu swindle

the healthy home economist.com – why vaccines are scientific fraud

the poisoned needle by eleanor mcbean – ebook

think twice.com

vaccination council.org – lessons the vaccinationists refuse to learn

vaccination information network.com

vaccine epidemic.com

vaccine liberation army.com

vaccine papers.org

vaccine rights.com

vaccination is not immunization.com

vac truth.com

weston a price.org

whale.to – vaccines


Where can I find out about SCENAR therapy?

To have a session of this highly effective therapy, or to learn to do it yourself, we recommend seeing Pip Martin


If you decide to buy a Scenar unit yourself we recommend dealing directly with the Russians for the lowest prices.


The Biomodulator device developed by Dr Jerry Tennant works on similar principles


Where can I buy raw goats milk in the Wellington area?

Contact Louise Hammond – louise.hammond@xtra.co.nz 

She is in Te Horo. Milk is $6 litre pick up or $7 delivered to the Wellington drop off points.  

Can you recommend a good dentist in the Wellington area?

About 20 years ago when I learned about the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings (like many people who grew up going to schools with NZ dental nurses I had a mouth full of small mercury fillings that were unnecessary in the first place) I was recommended a dentist called Peter Scott.

He is an exceptionally good dentist and we recommend him highly. He’s not a specialist “alternative” dentist, but just does what he’s asked to do, efficiently. He has a lot of customers having mercury fillings removed, and for smaller repairs we find we can get away with no anesthetic because he is quick and knows what he is doing.

Peter Scott (Deberry Kirton & Scott Dental Surgery)

Harbour City Tower Level 6

29 Brandon St

Wellington 6011

(04) 473 7632

How can I get clean safe water to drink?

Unfortunately the mains water in Wellington is toxic, like much of the water in NZ, so you need a filtration system to make it safer even for showering or bathing in, let alone drinking. It certainly has fluoride, and chlorine in it, as well as brown slime from time to time, and probably other toxic contaminants.

Most tap water in NZ is toxic because it contains fluoride, chlorine, aluminium (alum), and in some cases (where there are old water pipes) asbestos as well

It’s not just drinking the tap water that’s a problem – bathing and showering in it can lead to fluoride and chlorine absorption.

A good household carbon filter will take out chlorine, asbestos, and aluminium, but it will not take out fluoride. This requires a more expensive filtration system (around NZ$3000-$5000) to sort out your entire household water supply for bathing and showering. Water that has gone through full filtration systems has no minerals left in it, so is not a good source of drinking water.

Reverse osmosis filters and distillers are cheaper, and can get most of the fluoride out just for drinking, but they remove the good minerals too, and this causes other problems in the long term.

If you are unable to obtain drinking water free from a good source, and have to buy bottled water, keep in mind that some bottled water is just tap water that’s been filtered to get rid of the chlorine taste, while some bottled spring water is good quality. Some of the world’s best bottled water comes from NZ: www.antipodes.co.nz

In Wellington, bulk clean drinking water is freely available directly from the Petone Aquifer fountain, and the Dowse Art Gallery taps in Lower Hutt, and in small amounts from the Moore Wilson’s fountain in Tory St.

Petone Aquifer fountain:

Dowse Art Gallery taps, Lower Hutt:


Moore Wilson’s fountain:


To get clean water for washing in (which is actually more important than the drinking water because we absorb far more fluoride from showering in it than we do from drinking it) two whole house filters are needed, such as a fluoride master for the fluoride and a carbon filter for the chlorine and other contaminants.


It’s also a good idea to use a pre-filter to take out the brown slime before it clogs the main filters – there is a lot of brown slime and seeing it collect in a filter can be quite an eye opener! – The pre filter cartridges generally need replacing every 2-3 months.

Sorry to say that, it’s a nasty and expensive surprise, but fluoride is far more dangerous than most people in NZ realise.

For more info see our page about fluoride:


We recommend reading Dr Jerry Tennant’s book “Healing is Voltage”


Also download his free newsletter “hypothyroidism” for a good explanation of what fluoride is really doing.


Is it possible to be a vegetarian while following WAPF guidelines?

The foundation recommends eating a full range of animal based foods including meats and bone broths, so the short answer is NO.

Some people work around this by including dairy products and fish. This can work reasonably well, but it is not true vegetarianism.

It comes as a surprise to some vegetarians to learn that many WAPF members are ex-vegetarians.

For more info see these links:



Where can I buy raw cheeses?

Aroha Organic Goat Cheese is Certified Organic, GE free and was the first Cheese Co in NZ certified by MPI to produce raw milk cheese. Hand crafted on the farm from their own goat milk.


Imported French cheeses are available from the LeMarche shop in Thorndon Wellington, and they sell online too


It is entirely possible to obtain NZ made raw cheeses which are every bit as good as the French ones and a lot cheaper, but we are not officially allowed to advertise or sell them


What is the best diet for cats?

Raw meat, raw fish, no cooked foods, no diary, and especially, no cat biscuits. One large meal per day. Organic. No supermarket “pet foods”

No vaccinations and minimal chemical flea treatments.

For more information see:

Eden-Lea Ragdoll Cats

Super Maines

Kymythy Shultze

Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

Read the book “Pottenger’s Cats – A Study In Nutrition”, Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD – A comparison of healthy cats on raw foods and those on cooked diets.

Some sources of quality NZ pet foods: 



Where is a good place to buy a vegetable juicer?

Pure Wellbeing has a huge range of information online about juicers, and is also an excellent place to buy one. We have found the Oscar juicers to be very good.

Health Products also have a great range – we recommend the Lexsun Mark II

If you would like us to price any juicers for you, we can supply them through Nature Foods

Where can I buy 10L water storage containers that are good quality plastic?

Most of the ones for sale in the shops make the water taste of plastic. The best ones we have found are WILLOW 10L WATER CARRY CANS (WW6084) – we used to mail order them from Willow in Auckland, but sometimes Supercheap Auto have them for $23.75 each which is a good deal – they are good water containers, ideal for filling up at Lower Hutt (perfect height too). Although they are made in Australia, they can be hard to find in NZ.

Willow Australia

 Supercheapauto NZ


Where can I buy high quality Cod Liver Oil in NZ?

We sell Green Pastures fermented CLO through our food business Nature Foods (samples of all the flavours and varieties are available)


We also sell NutraPro extra virgin CLO through our food business Nature Foods (samples of all the flavours and varieties are available)


Where can I buy organic butter in Wellington?

It comes in 25kg blocks from the wholesaler, so we usually buy it from Commonsense Organics, and leave cutting it up to them (for the amount of work involved in cutting it up into useable sized chunks it’s well worth it) But note that this is butter made from pasteurised milk. At this time we don’t know of anyone selling raw organic butter.

Also available from Commonsense Organics is “Organic Times” butter – it tastes nicer and contains sea salt which is a good nutrient


We sell NutraPro Butter Oil through our food business Nature Foods (samples are available)

Where can I buy organic fruit and veges in Wellington?

We recommend Commonsense Organics – they have five Wellington branches

Wairarapa Eco Farms – Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) – wefs.co.nz

Urban Harvest have an amazing website – they are an online shop with home delivery

There is a local box scheme here – www.organicboxes.co.nz

Do you have a Facebook Page?

Yes: WAPF Wellington Chapter on Facebook

To use the page you will need to have a Facebook account. Some people are understandably reluctant to sign up for Facebook. It’s a huge personal info database, and yes, it’s certainly recording all the information you supply it with.

But you can set up a Facebook account without using any real personal info, and using a pseudonym you can use Facebook without revealing much. 

Probably the only truly efficient way to use Facebook is to avoid using it altogether, but failing that, set time limits on your FB use and stick to them! Facebook can be set up to display an interesting news feed, but it’s not easy and requires a very selective choice of likes, unlikes, and blocks.

We are not fans of Facebook, and our posts are very intermittent – we hope to get things moving along more on Steemit, which we are very enthusiastic about and keen to see replace Facebook.

Ian’s Steemit account is here, and Deb’s is here. We will soon start posting new WAPF material on Steemit.

 Where is the online copy of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration?

Weston A Price’s book is available here 


The advice and opinions included here are from the Wellington Chapter of the Weston A Price Foundation, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Weston A Price Foundation itself.
